Packages - Medical Tourism

Medical Tourism

Medical Tourism is the designated name for a concept, a fast growing world-wide phenomena that is changing conventional health care in the 21st century. It is the process wherein an individual travels abroad for medical, dental, or cosmetic treatment.Kerala possesses an unbroken tradition of Ayurveda that has surpassed the many invasions and intrusions both foreign and native. Its equable climate, natural abundance of forests and the cool monsoon season are best suited for Ayurveda's curative and restorative packages. Kerala is perhaps one of the few places on earth where a temperature of 24-28 degrees is maintained during a period of continuous rain.In Kerala Ayurveda is not just a healthcare system but it is a part and parcel of every aspect of life, in fact it is a lifestyle in Kerala so to speak. Millions of Patients travel overseas each year for Medical Treatment & Procedures.

Some of The Important Ayurveda Tretments:

  1. Nasyam
  2. Abhyangam
  3. Dhanyamla Dhara
  4. Kativasthi
  5. Kizhi
  6. Sirodhara
  7. Ksheera Dhara and Takra Dhara

Overall Treatment : Panchakarma Treatment
A five-fold treatment for mental and physical well being - tunes the body, organs, mind, breath, nerves and purifies the blood.